You Don’t Have to Have Goals to Start

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In my years helping people make positive changes in their life a reality, I have found that many prospective clients will wait until they have a clearly defined goal to get started on their path to a healthier, wealthier life. Having a clear picture of a goal to strive for helps you stick to your routine and positive habits when life makes those habits tough to follow. However, you don’t have to have a perfect vision of that goal before you get started. You only need a general direction.

Typically, you will have an idea that you’d like to save money for something in the future. Maybe you lack flexibility for your future health. You can begin working in a direction until your goals become more apparent. If you know you need to lose some weight, you can start evaluating your eating habits. If you know you need to pay down some debt, you can use a debt calculator (like the one on to determine which debts to pay down first. Most people have at least a general idea of the direction their goals will take them, so don’t let a lack of clarity stop you from taking steps.

I have found that taking action will help clarify goals. As you begin a workout routine, you’ll find something you like and want to stick with.  You may have several misses first where you determine that you don’t like certain cardio machines or that the triathlon you wanted to run isn’t as attractive with swimming involved. That’s great! Now you know, and you can find a goal that’s more suited to you. The work you did in the gym to find out what you don’t like will still be valuable. You didn’t lose anything by trying it out, and you gained some clarity.

If you’re really having a hard time determining your future goals or first steps toward health and wealth, it could be time to engage a professional. A personal trainer or financial planner can guide you through the conversations and questions that will help to clarify your goals. Even if you cannot clarify your goals, a professional will give you some simple ideas for first steps. The act of engaging a personal trainer or financial planner could be the best thing you do for your health and/or wealth in and of itself! Take some steps. You can do it!

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Goal Setting

You Don’t Have to Have Goals to Start

In my years helping people make positive changes in their life a reality, I have found that many prospective clients will wait until they have